Kelvin ?Ras Kelly? Williams
Having the the lyrics of a song written on the palms of a calypsonian?s hand during a perforamance is not an offense President of the Dominica Calypso Association, Kelvin ?Rass Kelly? Williams, has said.
He was responding to allegations that Hunter had written some of the lyrics of his song on the palm of his hands and had read them during a performance at the Calypso semi finals recently.
It is a charge that Hunter has stoutely denied.
According to Williams, a calypsonian himself, the video of the performance has to be reviewed in order to ascertain whether the allegations are true or not. ?We have to look at the complete tape because me having a song on the palm of hand, that is not an offense,? he said. ?You have to probably read it and if I have it on the palm of my hand, well probably with the intention ?but during the song I probably never got the chance or the need to, I just cannot say, hey those allegations are true ?we will have to look at it.?
He said if Hunter was found to be reading from his palm, it would be left to him to deal with it. ?If we notice that the Hunter is reading from his hand, of course it would be left to him, we would let him sit and he and his conscience to deal with it,? Williams noted.
Williams blamed the politics in calypso and the lack of objectivity for the entire brouhaha. ?Because we have access to the radio we blow everything out even before we know what went on,? he remarked. ?Its unfortunate if at all it happened ?I would be hurt a bit if at all that?s what went on??
He pointed out that in all competitions performers try to bend the rules but insisted the complete tape must be reviewed and examined.
He also told DNO that the DCA would be view the original footage sometime today to ascertain the facts and determine whether Hunter had in fact cheated.
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