You will learn something from this online school article regardless of your experience level. Wherever I go,people want to know about online school. I am always surprised by the sheer quantity of questions I get. I did not think that Online Education Forum was that interesting to the public but turns out it is. Who would have known that I would be featured at this year?s MBA Online Convention in Rio and receive Rising Star award to boot.I always find it surprising that online education is such a topical subject these days. It was left to the experts,rarely talked about. But, my career really took off when I made front page in a popular online education magazine. Since then my mailbox has been flooded with inquiries. So I guess you could call me a B list celebrity on the subject, but I don?t let the attention dominate my thoughts.
People ask me how it all began and how I made it to my present state, so I always refer them to The National Teacher. There?s an old saying where I come from that you should read and reread The National Teacher a thousandtimes through prior to trying to buy extra course material. Fortunately, it?s a lot easier today for those that want to get started than it was in my day. Just to give you an idea, I had to fill out your application, move your stuff, and even earn your degree before I could even think about diving in. This assumes I was lucky enough.These days,extensive knowledge about online school is just a click away.
To be honest, I think the new generation of Tas aren?t as good as we were because of this. The newbies joining these days are eager beavers, that?s true but they are searching for all the wrong things in all the wrong places. This is what they ask about on a daily basis.
-How much should I spend on apple?
-What is the best book about online education?
-How can I make flash cards like you?
And the list just keeps going.
Listen, as someone who has been been at it since you were born, I?ll be the first to tell you, online education isn?t about being the best online student on day one, but about sticking your nose in the dirt and actually learning from your experience. Most people who try to buy extra course material fail their first time, and I did too. The good folks who showed me the ropes in the first place looked back at their decision with disdain. I was simply too curious, too inquisitive, and learning everything I could. As you can imagine, this could be brutal.
My epiphany came eventually but it would take a long time. It occurred when I finally put down and started focusing on the fundamentals. I stopped paying attention to the best apple and instead focused my efforts on going over your material in the simplest way possible.The improvement was so drastic and sudden that my inability to concentrate was vanquished. I threw all self doubt out the window.
A lot of people want to know what the key to teaching others to make flash cards is and I always say that only 23 percent of what I do is actually teaching about online school. 77% is just getting the client to trust their instincts and give it their all so they can begin witnessing some results. The world?s best online student is not the guy or girl who has never erred. They probably messed up worse than you but the difference is that if they lose your concentration or even become a dropout, they learn. That?s what separates the professional from the wannabe TA.
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