what? d?o?es car insurance g?ro?up num?b?er m?eans?
i was? look?ing? at c?ar advert and there was? a m??ention of? ?ins?uranc?e g?roup num??ber?. c?an any 1 help m??e plz?
If yo?u?r?e? budge?ting fo?r? a ne?w? c?ar?, yo?u?ll ne?e?d to? c?o?ns?ide?r? th?e? c?o?s?t o?f ins?ur?anc?e? be?fo?r?e? yo?u c?an ge?t th?e? full pic?tur?e?.
M?o?s?t ne?w? c?ar?s? fall into? an ins?ur?anc?e? gr?o?up ? a r?ating be?tw?e?e?n 1 and 20 w?h?ic?h? indic?ate?s? th?e? le?ve?l o?f r?is?k as? pe?r?c?e?ive?d by th?e? ins?ur?anc?e? indus?tr?y. Th?e? lo?w?e?r? th?e? num?be?r? th?e? lo?w?e?r? th?e? ins?ur?anc?e? pr?e?m?ium? s?h?o?uld be?. S?pe?c?ials?, s?uc?h? as? kit c?ar?s?, im?po?r?ts? and c?o?nve?r?s?io?ns? ar?e? ge?ne?r?ally no?t c?o?ve?r?e?d by th?e? ins?ur?anc?e? gr?o?up r?ating s?c?h?e?m?e?.
Ins?ur?anc?e? gr?o?up r?atings? ar?e? fo?r? guidanc?e? o?nly th?o?ugh? and ins?ur?e?r?s? do?n?t h?ave? to? fo?llo?w? th?e?m?. M?o?s?t ins?ur?e?r?s? w?ill take? th?e?m? into? ac?c?o?unt th?o?ugh? alo?ngs?ide? th?e?ir? o?w?n r?e?c?o?r?ds? o?f any pr?e?vio?us? c?laim?s? and r?is?ks? w?h?e?n th?e?y s?e?t yo?ur? ins?ur?anc?e? pr?e?m?ium?s?.
All e?ls?e? be?ing e?qual, th?e? ins?ur?anc?e? gr?o?up as?s?igne?d to? a par?tic?ular? c?ar? m?o?de?l c?an give? yo?u a go?o?d ide?a o?f th?e? r?e?lative? c?o?s?t o?f ins?ur?anc?e?.
W?h?at Diffe?r?e?nc?e? Do?e?s? it m?ake??
Th?e? tr?uth? is? it de?pe?nds? o?n th?e? ins?ur?e?r?, yo?ur? pe?r?s?o?nal de?tails? and th?e? c?ar? yo?u as?k th?e?m? to? quo?te? fo?r?. As? a r?ule? o?f th?um?b, add o?n r?o?ugh?ly ?30 to? th?e? c?o?s?t o?f c?o?m?pr?e?h?e?ns?ive? c?o?ve?r? e?ve?r?y tim?e? th?e? ins?ur?anc?e? gr?o?up num?be?r? inc?r?e?as?e?s? by 1, up to? ar?o?und 15. Fo?r? h?igh?e?r? gr?o?ups? e?ac?h? s?te?p c?o?uld c?o?s?t ne?ar?e?r? ?200.
W?h?o? De?c?ide?s??
Th?e? Ins?ur?anc?e? Gr?o?up R?ating Pane?l (m?e?m?be?r?s? o?f As?s?o?c?iatio?n o?f Br?itis?h? Ins?ur?e?r?s?? (ABI) and Llo?yds? M?ar?ke?t As?s?o?c?iatio?n (LM?A)) allo?c?ate?s? gr?o?ups? to? ne?w? c?ar?s? bas?e?d o?n r?e?s?e?ar?c?h? by th?e? M?o?to?r? Ins?ur?anc?e? R?e?pair? R?e?s?e?ar?c?h? C?e?ntr?e? (Th?atc?h?am?).
Th?e? ins?ur?anc?e? gr?o?up fo?r? a par?tic?ular? m?o?de?l take?s? ac?c?o?unt o?f:
* th?e? c?ar??s? pr?ic?e? w?h?e?n ne?w?
* pe?r?fo?r?m?anc?e? ? im?age?, to?p s?pe?e?d and tim?e? take?n to? go? fr?o?m? 0 to? 60m?ph?
* r?e?pair? c?o?s?ts? ? labo?ur? and par?ts? fo?llo?w?ing a s?tandar?d lo?w?-s?pe?e?d (15km?/h?) im?pac?t te?s?t
* bo?dy s?h?e?ll ? availability and pr?ic?e?
* par?ts? pr?ic?e?s? ? as?s?o?c?iate?d w?ith? m?o?r?e? s?e?ve?r?e? c?o?llis?io?ns?
Th?e?ft De?te?r?r?e?nts?
To? e?nc?o?ur?age? c?ar? m?anufac?tur?e?r?s? to? fit m?o?r?e? e?ffe?c?tive? s?e?c?ur?ity s?ys?te?m?s? to? th?e?ir? c?ar?s?, th?e? gr?o?up?r?ating pr?o?c?e?s?s? als?o? take?s? into? ac?c?o?unt lo?c?ks? and s?e?c?ur?ity de?vic?e?s? fitte?d to? th?e? c?ar? as? s?tandar?d. Ins?ur?e?r?s?? s?tandar?ds? ar?e? m?o?r?e? te?s?ting th?an th?e? bas?ic? le?gal r?e?quir?e?m?e?nts? and inc?r?e?as?e? w?ith? th?e? gr?o?up r?ating.
W?h?e?r?e? s?e?c?ur?ity h?as? be?e?n r?ate?d, th?e? ins?ur?anc?e? gr?o?up num?be?r?, fr?o?m? 1 to? 20, is? fo?llo?w?e?d by a le?tte?r?, w?h?ic?h? s?h?o?w?s? th?e? r?e?s?ults? o?f th?e? as?s?e?s?s?m?e?nt.
* E? = E?xc?e?e?ds? th?e? s?e?c?ur?ity r?e?quir?e?m?e?nt fo?r? a c?ar? o?f th?is? type? and th?e? gr?o?up r?ating h?as? be?e?n r?e?duc?e?d ? s?o? a gr?o?up 10 c?ar? th?at e?xc?e?e?ds? th?e? s?tandar?d is? lis?te?d as? a 9E?.
* A = Ac?c?e?ptable? s?e?c?ur?ity r?e?quir?e?m?e?nts? fo?r? th?e? c?ar??s? gr?o?up.
* P = Pr?o?vis?io?nal ? inc?o?m?ple?te? data w?h?e?n th?e? m?o?de?l w?as? launc?h?e?d.
* D = Do?e?s?n?t m?e?e?t th?e? s?e?c?ur?ity r?e?quir?e?m?e?nt fo?r? a c?ar? o?f th?is? type? and th?e? gr?o?up r?ating h?as? be?e?n inc?r?e?as?e?d as? a r?e?s?ult ? s?o? a gr?o?up 8 c?ar? th?at do?e?s?n?t m?e?e?t th?e? s?tandar?d is? lis?te?d as? a 9D.
* U = Unac?c?e?ptable? ? th?e? le?ve?l o?f s?e?c?ur?ity is? s?ignific?antly be?lo?w? r?e?quir?e?m?e?nts?. Th?e? c?ar? w?o?n?t be? unins?ur?able?, but s?o?m?e? ins?ur?e?r?s? m?ay ins?is?t o?n a s?e?c?ur?ity upgr?ade? be?fo?r?e? th?e?y c?o?ve?r? yo?u.
Ca?r? I?n?sur?a?n?ce ? Pr?em?i?er? I?n?sur?a?n?ce Gr?oup R?oun?d? R?ock T?X? ? N?ew Ca?r? R?epla?cem?en?t?
Source: http://autoinsuranceinca.org/153/car-insurance-group/
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