Wednesday, June 1, 2011

History of Positive Psychology

Most psychologists believe, that began in 1998 when Martin Seligman, the theme for his term as president of the American Psychological Association, where the term was chosen by Maslow in his 1954 book originated motivation and personality. Seligman pointed out that clinical psychology has been consumed by mental illness only echo Maslow's comments. Research in positive psychology can be traced et al to 4 PA Linley. Origins of psychology,as in the writings of William James psychologically healthy '. In reality, the views of humanism in the work of William James, John Dewey and G. Stanley Hall found. William James said that to ensure optimal functioning of the human study fully, one must consider the subjective experience of an individual. From this belief, James is by some psychologists, the first psychologist to be successful in America.

In his address to the American Psychological AssociationIn 1906, James William wondered why some individuals have skills resource use their in all their others are not. Positive psychology has common interests with the parties of humanistic psychology and the emphasis on the fully functioning person, and self-realization and the study of healthy individuals . Maslow alleged concern "with mental illnesses and disorders. The first term has in the book of Maslow's motivation and personality appeared. In thisBook argues, Maslow, that psychology does not even have an accurate understanding of human potential, and that the field is not to increase the tendency proverbial high enough to achieve compliance to the maximum.

The first summit took place in 1999. The First International Conference on she found in 2002. In 2009, only last year, the First World Congress was held for them. As I said, the science of this century, rooted in humanistic psychology in the 20th Century.Earlier influences on him came from religious and philosophical sources. The ancient Greeks had many schools of thought. In the Renaissance, individualism has begun to be evaluated. utilitarian philosophers such as John Stuart Mill, believed that moral actions of these measures are to maximize happiness for the greatest number of people, and that an empirical science to be determined by luck, what actions are moral. Thomas Jefferson and other Democrats believed that life, liberty and the pursuit ofHappiness are inalienable rights, and justification for the overthrow of the government. The Romantics valued the individual emotional expression and emotional truth even tried, have been unhindered by societal norms.

In summary, and add further details, most psychologists agree that the rise can be traced back to Martin EP Seligman in 1998 Presidential Address to the American Psychological Association. Seligman realized that psychology had failed in two of his threeBefore the Second World War missions: to all people more productive and more fulfilling and to identify and cultivate talent in height. The advent in 1946 of the Veterans Administration and the National Institutes of Mental Health in 1947 has had on ideology psychology of healing discipline based on a model of illness and disease. With this knowledge, Seligman used his chairmanship of the APA for science to initiate a change of focus s' in the direction of a more positive psychology.

After his APA(American Psychology Association) president, Martin Seligman, has reminded us that the field say it was that distracted from psychology is the study of strength and virtue, and that cultivating the treatment, what is best in. Seligman presidential initiative Psychology catalyzed a series of scientific meetings positively, who could inform the development and deployment of the Positive Psychology Steering Committee (MihalyCsikszentmihalyi, Ed Diener, Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Chris Peterson and George Vaillant). This was passed over a network, which later Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania, the first Positive Psychology Summit, and a special issue of the American psychologists on positive psychology celebrate the new millennium.

From the Address to Seligman, there have been numerous books and on positive psychology, special journal issues,the creation of regional networks of positive psychology, the world-wide. In 2006, first dedicated journal, The Journal of Positive Psychology, has been published. Connected Seligman efforts of scientists, keys become actors in the movement of positive psychology. These players are the Positive Psychology Steering Committee and the leaders of positive psychology several research centers and research fellows sleeves (Seligman,2005). CR (Rick) Snyder, the special issue of the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology in 2000 and the influential Handbook of Positive Psychology in 2002.

Peterson led the Values ??in Action, that the classification of strengths and virtues that I over previous assignment "studied out. Of the Chris, the winner of the prestigious Templeton Positive Psychology Prize were: Barbara Fredrickson, for his work on positive emotions in2000, Jon Haidt, worked at the positive emotions of the moral survey in 2001, and Suzanne Segerstrom, for his work on the beneficial effects of optimism on physical health in 2002. Some of the donors are: the Templeton Foundation, The Gallup Organization, the Mayerson Foundation, the Annenberg Foundation Trust at Sunny Country and the Atlantic Philanthropies. Finally, this science offers great opportunities for rapid scientific progress.


Seligman, M.EP (2005). Positive Psychology Network progress report 2004th


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