Sunday, July 22, 2012

Stay-cations Are Not Meant For Those Who Work At Home

If you work from home, however, you might be unpleasantly surprised to discover that a stay-cation isn't quite as delightfully vacation-y as you might have hoped

A stay-cation can be a viable way to spend some leisure time or a disaster. If you have some vacation time pending but can't take enough time off from your kids sports, school, scout activities or other family obligations, or don't have the funds accumulated to get out of town, a stay-cation can be a good option for you. It may actually be your only option.

If you work from home, however, you might be unpleasantly surprised to discover that a stay-cation isn't quite as delightfully vacation-y as you might have hoped.

What Exactly is a Stay-cation anyway?

New, hip lingo not your thing? Let's talk about the meaning of a stay-cation. Simply put, a stay-cation is a vacation where you decide to stay at home instead of hopping the first train out of town. There are any number of reasons you might decide to take a stay-cation rather than cruising to some pleasure destination.

If you live in a place with tons of neat things to explore and to do that you rarely have time to take advantage of, a stay-cation may be just your ticket to paradise. Furthermore, you won't have to pay up for lodging and meals, so you can see more of the entertainment venues in your city. When we lived in Washington D.C. it would be silly to leave the city when there is so much to and see there, it beats most other destinations near or far.

Another good reason to stay-cation is lack of funds. Transportation, hotels, food and drink all add up to real money very quickly. If you are barely making it anyway, like so many people today, a vacation in that exotic land is just not a realistic get away place.

Why Stay-cations Don't Work When You Work from Home

You've got the 411 on the stay-cation. There are some definite arguments in favor of it. You get more R&R than you will if you travel. You can finally get around to tackling all those home improvement projects you've been putting off forever and a year.

You may have the best intentions of never logging onto your computer during your stay-cation, but you know something will always come up and there you are in front of your lap top working away as usual. Maybe a client calls and you say sorry, I'm out of town I'll deal with this problem when I return. Yeah, right. What you feel is morally obligated to help out your client right now, today.

While you are at it, you are going to notice something else on your desk that needs attention and so on, and you are locked into working for the next five days. Pretty soon, your stay-cation is over and you didn't get any R and R at all.

So, for those of you who Work from Home...

...get out of town and take a real vacation. If you don't have a lot of money, go visit a friend in a place where you have to take a plane, train or drive a few days to get to. Leave your laptop and all work trappings at home and forget about them. This is the only way you will have a real, relaxing time to enjoy without even thinking about those clients or those nitpicky details that are always awaiting some tweaking from you.

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